KanduAI, a Tel Aviv based startup founded in May of 2018, provides a unique AI inference engine that can be embedded in any device. Powered by our patent pending, top-of-the-line machine learning inference engine and SDK for mobile and embedded devices, we help companies achieve their business goals without the need for data science skills as our SDK includes pre-built cognitive functionalities, such as facial detection, object recognition, and similarity estimation. For companies with direct AI and data science skills, we assist them by enabling them to run their existing models on our inference engine.
The two main verticals the company is currently engaged with are Mobile Face Recognition for Public Safety and Digital Signage Analytics, which precisely segments and analyzes audiences by gender, age, ethnicity, accessories, and associated brands, while continuously maintaining individual privacy
Adgency 360’s Mission: Global SEO support aiming to boost the presence of Kanduai.com website at Search Engines.
- SEO technical Audit & recommendations.
- Keyword research and competitive study.
- Technical monitoring: Monitoring of all technical SEO aspects that may impact the good visibility of the site.
- Development of the Blog (Launch Feb-2019).
- Editorial recommendations.
- Competitive intelligence: Monitoring of mentions and links (backlink) published on third party sites to control the brand image and optimize virality.
**** French ****
Kanduai.com est une startup d’intelligence artificielle basĂ©e Ă Tel Aviv fondĂ©e en mai 2018 avec des bureaux Ă San JosĂ©. KanduAI excelle dans le dĂ©veloppement de technologies d’AI qui s’intĂšgrent dans n’importe quel appareil. Leur kit de dĂ©veloppement logiciel haut de gamme (appellĂ© « SDK ») est en instance de brevet pour les appareils mobiles et embarquĂ©s.
Les solutions de KanduAI aident les entreprises Ă atteindre leurs objectifs commerciaux sans avoir besoin de compĂ©tences en « Data Science » puisque leur SDK inclut des fonctionnalitĂ©s cognitives prĂ©-intĂ©grĂ©es, telles que la dĂ©tection faciale, la reconnaissance des objets et l’estimation de similitude. Pour les entreprises ayant des compĂ©tences en intelligence artificielle & en « Data Science », KanduAI est en mesure d’executer les modĂšles existants du client sur leur moteur d’infĂ©rence.
Les 2 principaux secteurs verticaux dans lesquels l’entreprise est actuellement engagĂ©e sont la reconnaissance faciale mobile pour la sĂ©curitĂ© publique et l’analyse de l’affichage dynamique, qui segmente et analyse prĂ©cisĂ©ment les audiences par sexe, Ăąge, origine ethnique, accessoires et marques associĂ©es, tout en prĂ©servant en permanence la confidentialitĂ© individuelle.
Mission Adgency 360 : Prestation dâaccompagnement global en rĂ©fĂ©rencement naturel afin de booster la prĂ©sence du site web KanduAI.com sur les moteurs de recherche.
- Audit du socle technique et recommandations.
- Recherche de mots clés et étude concurrentielle
- Veille technique : Monitoring de tous les aspects SEO techniques pouvant impacter la bonne visibilité du site.
- DĂ©veloppement du Blog (Lancement FĂ©v-2019).
- Recommandations Ă©ditoriales.
- Veille concurrentielle : Monitoring des mentions et liens (backlink) publiĂ©s sur des sites tiers pour contrĂŽler lâimage de la marque et optimiser la viralitĂ©.
KanduAI, a Tel Aviv based startup founded in May of 2018, provides a unique AI inference engine that can be embedded in any device. Powered by our patent pending, top-of-the-line machine learning inference engine and SDK for mobile and embedded devices, we help companies achieve their business goals without the need for data science skills as our SDK includes pre-built cognitive functionalities, such as facial detection, object recognition, and similarity estimation. For companies with direct AI and data science skills, we assist them by enabling them to run their existing models on our inference engine.
The two main verticals the company is currently engaged with are Mobile Face Recognition for Public Safety and Digital Signage Analytics, which precisely segments and analyzes audiences by gender, age, ethnicity, accessories, and associated brands, while continuously maintaining individual privacy
Adgency 360’s Mission: Global SEO support aiming to boost the presence of KanduAI.com website at Search Engines.
- SEO technical Audit & recommendations.
- Keyword research and competitive study.
- Technical monitoring: Monitoring of all technical SEO aspects that may impact the good visibility of the site.
- Development of the Blog (Launch Feb-2019).
- Editorial recommendations.
- Competitive intelligence: Monitoring of mentions and links (backlink) published on third party sites to control the brand image and optimize virality.